Techniques for distressing furniture

Today, furniture difficulty is the most sought after and this need led to the development of indigenous furniture distressing techniques. These techniques are used to artificially aged to look worn furniture. Distressed furniture sport seems to vanish, even if it is brand new. These pieces are made to contribute to a variety of techniques to give them a realistic look. This furniture is very expensive, compared to a similar piece, which is not disturbed. Do not be discouraged if you can not afford a piece of furniture in need. You can make this a piece of existing furniture in the house. Just have some tools, furniture, and the basic idea of how distressed furniture. To do this, you can create a unique antique furnishings and save money. If you are a beginner, avoid costly furniture, new or old. You can try the methods ofCrackle Method This is one of the most popular furniture distressing techniques used to simulate the effect of popping as antique furniture. Here are some guidelines, the pain of moving to get this crackling sound effect.
* First, you need to sand the furniture and wipe with a tack cloth.
* It is now water-based color selection, so as to cover the entire surface and allow to dry for at least a day.
* When it dries, make a mixture of wallpaper paste and gum arabic, and applied a thick layer of this mixture of furniture. This coating has become completely dry before the next step.
* The next step is to apply a coat of white latex (or other light color), plus a mixture of coating thickness.
* As soon as you stop the coating, dust on the furniture with a hair dryer. Fon needs to be in the form of heat. damage or furniture at low cost.
Distressing furniture wax waxing is also one of the many furniture distressing techniques that can be done very easily. All you need is wax, which the pencils or even candles on the left, has a purpose. As with any other method, you need to start grinding the selected piece of furniture that is made of just wood. When the correction is over, the paint on the furniture in the dark paint, preferably in a medium chocolate brown. Since the paint is dry, rub the edges and raised surfaces of furniture polish, because these are areas that have been taken away over time. Now you can paint the entire surface is flat white acrylic paint, which does not adhere to those areas with wax. After the paint has dried, you sweep the white paint on the wood, but be sure to uneven surfaces. Allow to dry. Since the stain dry, remove the furniture wax. Iron waxed areas to keep paper towels on top.