proper cleaning techniques marble

Marble floors / tiles easily get scratched and stained. The following techniques are useful for polishing marble. However, a precautionary measure, always polish the tile in a corner and see if the method is flat. Usually marbles are different and what works for one does not necessarily work for another.
* Some conditions before polishing process provides for cleaning dust, dirt and other debris. Use a broom or a soft cloth to the surface (s). Do not scratch the surface of the marble is too difficult. Broom and gently wipe evenly.
* Vacuum to remove dust from the floor.
* Try to unclutter the room so that you have enough space to work comfortably, or if it is too filled with furniture, then only move backward or sideways.Use a spray
* washer fluid that has been given to you in your kit marble.
* Always polish the marble with recommended chemicals and not collect anything to chance for cleaning.
* The best way to restore the shine of the marble is polished with a chamois cloth (chamois). Usually, a cloth for cleaning and polishing surfaces. These materials absorb dust and abrasive particles and marble give a shiny appearance.
* The bicarbonate is readily available in local stores and can be used to polish marble tiles. Mix 3 tablespoons tablespoons baking soda with water quantity. After mixing, allow to dry and take a soft clean cloth. Dip the cloth in the mixture of baking soda and water and clean the surface of marble.
* Use wet diamond polishing pads for polishing marble effectively.Cleaning marble floor on a regular basis is primarily a step you can take. Try cleaning with hot water and fresh cream. Make sure the water is not too hot but hot enough to remove the stains of normal tea, coffee and dust. Rinse with a damp cloth. Many people, such as turpentine, solvents, paints and vinegar. As I said, first apply the cleaner is a small piece of marble slab, and if it shows good results then just keep going. Stain removal is high when the stains with meat, oil, butter and wine. You can also use substances such as acetone, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia stains difficult. The smoke and soot stains, you can choose fat-free detergents such as Windex. poultice treatments are also some people prefer to remove stains. Wraps are materials that have been made by combining paper, whiting, limestone, etc., and mixed with the solvent used to polish marble